I know that Heidi is the one that always updates this blog, but she is currently in the hospital so it is my turn to tell Cameron's story. I think this is also a way for me to get a few more emotions out. Cameron Michael Armstrong was born at 12:27 today. He was born with a very faint heart beat, and the doctors tried everything to bring him back to life. After about 10 minutes our wonderful doctor, doctor Burton came out to give me the news that Cameron had passed away (Heidi was still in recovery and didn't know). As I began to cry the first thing that came into my head was that he had come and gotten his body but it was time for him to go back and continue helping out on the other side. It was like a nightmare that had become a reality, but in a sense it was a good nightmare. Our baby boy had returned perfect back to our father in heaven. It is difficult for both of us at the moment, we are still wiping away tears every time we think of not being able to bring him home, or watch him grow. It makes me weep to know that I won't get the chance right now to teach him how to throw a ball, or wrestle with his sister. It is hard I won't lie, but I want everyone to know that we are OK. We have the gospel and we know that we will be with Cameron in the near future. I don't know how anyone could get through this without the knowledge of eternal families! We are at peace with the situation, and know that we now have a special guardian angel watching over our family. I want you to especially keep Heidi in your prayers, because I know that it will be even more difficult for her. We want to thank everyone for their prayers and let each of you know that everyone's prayers were answered. Sometimes they just come in ways unexpected. Our prayers were answered by an angel.
4 days ago
I am so sorry for your loss. I will keep you in my prayers!
I am so sorry that this is one of your trails in this life, and like you said I don't know either what we would do with out the gospel in our lives also. You two are so strong and I know Heavenly Father does not give us more than we can handle, so you are definently two of the most strongest people I know! If you need anything I hope you know I would be there to help even if it is to have a shoulder to cry on or going out to get your mind of things when it gets over whelming. I love you Heidi,Shiloh and Hannah!
I don't know what to say other than I am so sorry I can not imagine what you two must be feeling right now. All I can say is that my heart is breaking for the two of you right now. I couldn't believe it today when Dr. Burton told me. You two are some of the best people I know, and I guess God knew that he could trust the two of you with one of his angels. You are right I don't think there would be a way to get through something like this other than to know you will be able to raise Cameron someday, and just think you won't have to ever worry about him getting hurt or sick or feeling pain when that day comes. I love you guys so much and I want you to know that I would do anything for you so please let me know what I can do to help.
My heart is breaking for you. I am so grateful for the knowledge of eternal families- and the opportunity you will have to raise Cameron someday. I'm so glad that you were able to get pictures of your sweet boy. You are in our thoughts and prayers, always. We love you.
We love you guys! You are strong people, and such great examples to us. Cameron was truly an angel and we look forward to meeting him someday. You are in our prayers.
We love you and you are in our prayers. Cameron is a beautiful boy!!
Since I heard of your news yesterday you have been in my thoughts and prayers. I can't begin to imagine the sorrow you are feeling right now. But you are both amazing people and you are both so strong in the gospel, that I know the Lord will continue to watch over your family and bless you. You are right about an angel. Cameron is your angel here on earth. In heaven he will be yours forever. If there is anything I or Heath can do to help us. Please let us know! Our family loves you all so much!
Send Heidi my love. We are praying for you. What a blessing it is to have the gospel. My heart aches for you both. I know that the Lord is with you and will comfort you in this time of need.
You are in our thoughts and prayers, I am glad you have an angel helping and watching over you and your family from the other side. He's a beautiful little guy. Take Care.
I have been praying for you two ever since I heard about the situation, and I will continue to pray for you both. You guys are a strong family and now you will even be stronger with your guardian angel.
Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers, we just love you guys and think the world of both of you. We are so sorry for your loss, Cameron is a beautiful little boy. Let us know if you need anything at all.
Much love-Kerri and Evan
I am so sorry for your loss, and it is wonderful that you can see this as a blessing also, if you need anything let me know. love rosa
I am so sorry for your loss! We'll keep you in our prayers! Cameron is a beautiful little boy!
From Mountain View Family Medicine...Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Please let us know if there is something that any of us can do for you. We pray that you will feel comfort and we pray that you will find strength. There truely are "Angels Among Us" and your little Cameron will be that link...that magnet...that will keep your Harbor Safe until You Meet Again.
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