This past month has been quite a whirlwind month. We have been in and out of the doctors office and already have had 4 ultrasounds. When we went in to get the ultrasound to see if the baby was a boy or girl, they were unable to see his stomach... so they asked us to come back in a few weeks and try again, we did and unfortunately we had no luck. My doctor set up an appointment with an perinatologist so they could take a more thorough look. Well like the times before, they there weren't any signs of his stomach. They call this kind of thing esophageal atresia :Congenital esophageal atresia (EA) represents a failure of the esophagus to develop as a continuous passage. Instead, it ends as a blind pouch. Tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF) represents an abnormal opening between the trachea and esophagus. EA and TEF can occur separately or together. EA and TEF are diagnosed in the ICU at birth and treated immediately.
We are still not sure of the extent of it and really won't know until he is born. They have asked us to live in Salt Lake for the last month of my pregnancy and deliver there too. I don't think I would normally post about this yet, but we would love it if you would keep our baby boy in your prayers. I believe the larger the army the more the miracle. We will keep you posted on whats happening. We have a meeting with the surgeons who will be operating on him and they should let us know how everything works and how they are going to go about all of this.
I think through all of this, we will walk away so much stronger and have much stronger testimonies. I know this isn't a testimony blog, but I would just like to say that I am so grateful to know that families are forever and eternal. I don't think I would be able to handle this situation if I didn't know that. My family means everything to me and I can't believe our family of three will soon be a family of four. I definitely know that Heavenly Father hears our prayers and he knows the sincere and righteous desires of our hearts and is just waiting for us to ask for those blessings he has in store for us. So please please please, keep him in your prayers.
6 days ago
Hang in there. Sometimes it's not as bleak as it seems. Elle was born with a Heart defect called Ventricular Septal Defect. It's a hole in between the 2 chambers of her heart. We have been told since birth that she would have to have open heart surgery. To date- she has not. It affects her stamina, and her immune system. It's not fun at times... but she's okay. The doctors can't explain why she hasn't had to have the surgery... but I don't need an explanation. I know that Elle's problem, and your little boy's problem, are very different. I also know that what seemed so scary 6 years ago, isn't quite so scary now. Between all the amazing things that can be done medically- and all the people that love and will be praying for your family, things can turn out better than you thought. Loves
We all know that miracles can happen and they do happen everyday. You are in our thoughts and prayers and we want nothing but the best for you guys. PLEASE let us know if we can do ANYTHING for you guys.
Heidi, you are such a strong and wonderful person. I know everything will work out. The lord has plans for us all. You are in our prayers. Good luck and keep us posted!
Heidi I am so sorry for your news and your family will be in our prayers. You are in a good place. SLC has so many resources there. GOOD LUCK and if you need anything even someone to talk to let me know!
we are praying for ya!!!
Your boy is in our prayers. We're excited to meet him pretty soon!
PS. I am making something for your parents for Christmas, and I need lots of pictures! So if you could email me some of your family (as in you,shiloh, and hannah or just hannah.. whatever!) that would be great! Thanks so much!!
Everything happens for a reason !!!! I dont know that my prayers will help all that much But I will pray for you just the same...I'll make Hailey pray too. We had problems when Hailey was born too...everything will work itself out , just keep hanging in there. Doctors dont always know EVERYTHING miracles happen everyday !
Hey Sweetie. I just wanted to drop you a note. My mom gave me a call today with the news, and I want to let you know that you are in my prayers. I love you so much, and feel for what you are going through. I hope and pray that you will be comforted through this trying time. You are such an amazing woman, I know the Lord is with you. Sometimes life is so confusing and heart breaking, but through it all we learn to rely on the lord for comfort and strength. Again, I love you so much. Call me if you ever need to talk. Give Hannah a kiss for me.
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