I love this picture because it completely described our Hannah. She has to have everything in the right place and she loves patterns. I find these little rows of anything and everything lined up all over our house. I think it is so funny.

Hannah with straight hair.It turned out pretty good I think

She had a major wedgie one night and was showing it off. She likes her booty these days and she knows how to shake that thing.

Another hair picture. I decided to try rag curls on Hannah one day...they turned out a little crazy.

The final product.

This was Hannah cute hairdo and outfit the day after Halloween. I thought she looked adorable.

Hannah and her cousin Kaden. He was the cutest little giraffe I have ever seen and Hannah was a "Butterfly Fairy" from the Barbie Mariposa movie.

Blowing Kisses!

I love love love this picture. Such a cute little smile dont you think?!!

She was not very happy with us for making her go when she was tired. She just wanted her daddy.

Shiloh is now the Elders Quorum President and they had a party a little over a month ago, it was really fun. We shot guns and had a great dutch oven dinner.

I grew a garden this summer and everything pretty much died BUT I did grow some pretty delicious carrots. I am proud.

We went camping this fall up at Scout Mountain and it was really fun. It was just Shiloh, Hannah and I and we didn't really do much. We had dinner, roasted marshmallows and then crawled into our tent and played a fun game of scrabble. I think I won :) We got up the next morning and took a little hike/walk. It was one of those wonderfully simple moments. I love those.

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We had a blast. It is always fun to just get together with our families and talk. I love the holidays. It is nice to reflect on the past year and the accomplishments we have made and all the many things we have been blessed with. We are so grateful for wonderful families who take care of us. I am grateful for an incredible husband who is willing to go above and beyond to make our lives wonderful. I am grateful for a daughter who loves me. She is so sweet and loves to be a girl. I never had sisters so to have someone love to do makeup with me and play dress up and to play with my hair...that is priceless. I LOVE IT! Even though we don't have a house yet...I am grateful that we have a wonderful "shed" that we like to call our home. It is our shelter from the rest of the world. We spend a lot of time at home and we love it. Anyways, I hope we can all count our many blessings, if you do I am sure you will find you have been blessed beyond measure and have much to be grateful for this Holiday season.
I am sooo glad you updated!!! very cute pics :) Hannah is such a pretty girl and her hair is always cute! it is so funny that she puts everything in a line...kids are so funny and they all have their lil quirks. I think its stuff like that, that really makes parenting so enjoyable.
Such cute pictures! I'm sorry I still haven't called you. Life gets crazy, as I'm sure you know, and I'm trying to slow it down a bit. :) I love Hannah's little costume though! Such a sweetie!
Hannah is sooo Cute!! She is going to be so beautiful as a grown up! I think she looks alot like you. It looks like you guys are having fun and doing well! I hope we will be able to see you during the Christmas Holiday. :) If Tyler can get the time off then we will be there for the dinner on the 23rd. Anyway i love seeing pics of your Hannah! Thanks!
Heidi you little girl is sooo beautiful! Thanks for sharing your pictures!
I agree with Amanda, I am glad you updated! I love to see pictures of your little family. Hannah is cute as ever. Hopefully we'll see ya soon!
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