We just got the ultrasound done today and it was very clear this baby is a boy. He wouldn't stop putting his hands in front of his face so we didn't get the best 3-D picture but thats ok, they are still fun to look at. We are very excited and Shiloh gets at least one wrestler so that should please him.
I knew it! That is so fun! One of each. I'm glad you posted because I was about to call you to see what you found out.
That is so exciting... that will be so fun to have all of these little cousins grow up together... I always loved having my boy cousins so close to my age. So I guess my little girl will have the same thing. Congrats again.
Congrats! We're so excited for you guys!!
Get ready! Boys are CRAZY! (or maybe it's just mine) You'll love every min. of it. Congratulations!
That's awesome!! They will be in the same grade and can be buds!! I am so excited!!!
Congratulations Heidi!! Im so excited for you!! My sister in law JUST had a little boy on the 3rd! They are so fun! I Hope everything is going great!!
Heidi!! I found your blog through Lindsey and Brady's!! Your little family is so cute. Hannah is such a doll and that is so exciting that you are expecting a little boy!! We have Alivia and now Austin which has been a lot of fun!!! CONGRATS!!! I love all your pictures by the way--Ecspecially that smile box deal you have I will have to try it!!!
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