Well this Christmas was really fun but it definitely felt different this year. This year has been a really fun but challenging year. As hard as it was, it was probably the best year of my life so far and I am sure Shiloh would say the same. We celebrated Hannah's first birthday, she had a whole bunch of firsts this year. Shiloh got in a car accident at the beginning of the year. We got pregnant with Cameron this year. We went to Cancun, Mexico,and we went to Island Park A TON. I took a trip with my mom and Hannah to Washington to visit family. Shiloh finished two more semesters of school and only has one left, HURRAY!!! We were sent our little Cameron and were lucky enough to have our Heavenly Father take him in his arms once again. You know, I got to tell you, the older Hannah gets I really thank Heavenly Father for taking him now so if I fail as a mother, we at least got one back to him :) Also, Shiloh's brother Nate left on his mission on New Years Eve, he is going to Brisbane, Australia...that lucky son of a gun. To sum it up, this year has been pretty darn good. I truly can't complain about anything, other than I now have a really ugly scar on my belly, but it is just another reminder of my many blessings. I would like to thank anyone who is reading this blog, we are so blessed to have such great friends and families. I am really excited to see what the year 2009 will bring...I am hoping it will bring a new home, a new baby, stronger testimonies, less complaining (from me), less crying (from Hannah... and me sometimes)lots of family outings, healthier eating habits, cleaner home and lots and lots of love.